Sunday, March 20, 2011

don't give up okay ?

i know you've been hurt, i know how it feels .
believe me , i do. but the feeling will pass ,
the tears will stop falling, your heart will heal itself.
i promise you it will , so hold on and don't let go . don't lose hope .
i promise you'll find someone who will treat you the right way ,
the way he never did.
someone who will never ever leave you the way he did .
he'll be worth the wait , so hang in there because i love you
and i want you to be happy .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

march !

ouhh damn !
da masok bulan march da ?!
sumpa gila lah ! macam kejap gila da masok bulan march an ?

now da bulan march .
but nothing interesting + new things happen to me .
just the same and boring life + day that keep going and going .
me still alone with no one to love *sigh*
gila sad kan ?

makin lama masa bejalan .
makin selalu pulak aq rindu at someone .
someone yang pena bahagia an aq for about a year++
someone yg macam biscuit in my life .
dy datang bila dy rindu , and dy pergi bila dy ta rindu .
hmm . but its okay cos i know one thing that that someone still remember me .
and she still miss me like before . that's enough for me . im happy with it (:

so , hopefully that bulan marcg nit will bring happiness in my life .
hope that that someone will realise that my love is still for that someone .
will always be for that someone !


hear it together